Next Steps for the DPI: Locator Metrics Finalized

Next Steps for the DPI: Locator Metrics Finalized

The DPI Metrics committee was hard at work at this year’s CGA Conference and Expo in Colorado Springs, where the locator metrics reporting requirements received final approval. While facility owner/operator metrics are focused on mapping, locator metrics are focused on marking timeliness, performance, and accuracy.

As is the case for other stakeholders, locators participating in the DPI submit monthly reports of damages and metrics data by the end of the following month. Metrics are submitted by state and by facility type.

Below are the approved metrics that will be used to measure the performance of locators in the DPI. Our team is working to prepare internal systems for reporting this information later in 2024.

Locators in the DPI will report the following information that the DPI will use to create the above metrics.

  1.  All damages, with complete and accurate root cause information.
  2. Total number of locate tickets marked or cleared on time, by utility type per state. For single tickets that include requirements for marking more than one underground facility, please count each facility separately.
  3. Total number of locate tickets received, by utility type, per state. For single tickets that include requirements for marking more than one underground facility, please count each facility separately. This figure should include all locates, whether worked in the field or cleared from the office.

The following definitions have also been provided and approved by our metrics committee:

  • Locate ticket: Each locate request issued by the 811 center with a unique identifier, excluding damage tickets, design tickets, or tickets that do not require a mark-out or clear. These include refresh/renewal tickets, even if the original ticket number does not change. For example, tickets #12345 and #12345-rev1 are counted separately. For single-locate tickets that require marking more than one underground facility type, count each facility type separately.
  • On-time locates: Those considered in compliance with the corresponding state law and/or regulatory requirements.

Welcome to our new DPI participants!

February, March, and April 2024:

  • All Commercial Fence, Inc.
  • Canyon Dirt Works LLC
  • Cooper Energy Services Inc
  • ENGEO Incorporated
  • Geopoint Surveying Inc
  • Heavy Road & Rail Inc.
  • Hillhouse Construction Company
  • Insignia Environmental
  • Kinetic Industry
  • Massive Services LLC
  • Metronet
  • Northern A-1 Services
  • PCI EnergyServices LLC
  • Peacock Construction
  • Peter Ellis Construction
  • PL-Enerserv, LLC
  • PowerSecure Inc
  • Prime Utility Services
  • Production Engineering and Construction
  • Q3 Contracting Inc.
  • Quality Telecom Consultants
  • R-2 Contractors, Inc.
  • Rachel Contracting
  • Redding Tree Growers Corporation
  • Remarkable Constructions LLC
  • Resurgence Infrastructure Group, LLC
  • Shaffer Underground LLC
  • Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
  • Studebaker Electric INC
  • Sunflare Home Services
  • Superior Contracting Group L.L.C.
  • Swan Companies, Inc.
  • Triple V Tractor, Inc.
  • US Hydro
  • Verita Telecommunications Corporation
  • Walsh Construction II
  • Waste Recovery Systems
  • Wayne Maples Plumbing & Heating